What is the IPC J STD 001 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies?
This standard has become known around the world for being a supreme standard for soldering within the electronics industry. The standard describes materials, methods and inspection or verification criteria for producing high quality and reliable soldered interconnections. This standard places a high emphases on process control for a broad range of electronic connections.
What is covered in the IPC J STD 001 standard/ training?
With comprehensive criteria centred around achieving quality and reliable electronic assemblies, this standard covers:
- General requirements such as ESD, safety, and tools
- Wire and terminal assembly requirements
- Machine and reflow soldering process requirements
- Test methods
- Acceptance requirements for general soldered connections
- Through-hole soldering criteria
- Surface mount soldering criteria
Most modules within the IPC J STD 001 standard and training require demonstrations by the trainer and lab work/ workmanship skills to be demonstrated by the delegate.
Who is the IPC J STD 001 standard/ training suitable for?
If you’re a business or individual that works in an original equipment manufacturer, a contract electronics manufacturer or any job role involved in the soldering of electronic assemblies, this standard is for you. Owing to its reliance of process control, this standard is also suitable for Assembly Process Engineers and Quality Assurance personnel.
IPC J STD 001 training and its respective standard covers all three class of products: Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3. More information about the what the class of products mean, and which electronics assemblies sit under which class, read our blog here.
IPC J STD 001 training is available at the following levels:
- Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) and is suitable for Assembly Operatives, Quality staff, Inspection personnel, Process Engineers
- Certified Subject Expert (CSE) and is best suited for staff required to have an advanced knowledge of the standard in the event of conflict resolution or staff liaison
- Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) for delegates wishing to deliver internal training to CIS level
Which level of training is best suited for you depends on your aims and goals for training and adopting the standard. The Electronics Group is happy to guide and advise you through this decision process.
All IPC Certificates are valid for two years and recertification criteria found in the Policies and Procedures apply for CSEs and CITs.
How long is the IPC J STD 001 training and how is it delivered?
- Certified IPC Specialist Training is 4 days
- Certified Subject Expert Training is 5 days
- Certified IPC Trainer training is 5 days
Due to the workmanship nature of this standard and training, courses can only be delivered face to face at either of our training centres, or at your premises.
What do I need for the IPC J STD 001 course?
- A copy of the latest IPC J STD 001 standard
- A copy of the relevant IPC Policies and Procedures
- A laptop or computer for exams
We can provide these items on loan should you not have your own or wish to purchase a copy of the book, however, having a copy of the standard available to trained IPC staff is beneficial in their day-to-day work. These items are required for all delivery methods, levels and locations.
If you are taking a remote course, you will need to ensure that your IT equipment meets certain specifications. Details on this can be found here.
Training at your facility will require a suitable workshop environment with a HDMI compatible TV or Projector. The Electronics Group are happy to provide all soldering equipment required for the training should you not have the kit needed, or the quantity of kit needed.
Are there any prerequisites to studying for the IPC J STD 001 course?
Whilst there are no prerequisites for enrolling on the course, we do recommend delegates have basic knowledge of soldering and electronics assemblies, along with good component knowledge. We also strongly recommend delegates have a proficient level of soldering both plated through hole and surface mount devices. This course is not aimed at teaching people how to solder, but ensuring successful delegates known the methods, processed and techniques to solder to IPC standards.
If you require training on how to solder either of the technologies, we provide numerous skills-based courses. Details of these can be found here.
What is included in the cost of the IPC J STD 001 training course?
Included in the cost of the course is:
- IPC Exam Fee
- Workmanship boards
- Equipment and tooling use during the course
- Tuition for the duration of the course
- Loan copies of books and laptops for face-to-face training, admin fees apply for remote training
- Lunch and refreshments (courses at The Electronics Group only)
- Downloadable training materials (successful CIT only)
- On going support, advice and guidance throughout the duration of your certification